Assalamualaikum ye, glad all this thing over. akhirnyaaaa..after the hard work, with all the tense and also the tiredness..glad that this thing over. miss my babies soooo much. i just hope that this coming Awal Muharam will bring joy, prosperity hereafter for my family. Mudah-mudahan terselit kebahagiaan disebalik segala susah payah..Amin.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
assalamualaikum...just wanna share my feeling right now. i felt so so so GERAM..,n macam2la wif hubby. Sdhla semlm he got angry wif me bcoz i dnt know how 2 manage time..hellooo! I am vry detail n organize. He really dnt hv d heart 2 knw about my job really was. All he knew was ada duit mau byr semua. I really get fed up sdh wif his attitude. Masa ada duit, syg habis..i just regret that these thing happen 2 me. X habis2 prob. i just hope that there's smthing good, really really good waiting 4 me n my kids..i pray everyday 4 that. Hope 4 a better future. I just work hard so tt i knw my own way 2 support my kids n my life...i ho
Posted by yatie at 4:57 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
day off
Assalamualaikum friends...tommorow i'll be taking my day off until Raya Haj. there's just too many things that i have to settle. sangat sangat n work. i'm doing the best i can to control everything in order. Thank God Allah is always there wif me. Whenever i'm in need especially during hard time. I always pray to Allah that i will be +ve, and doing the right thing. Mudah-mudahan segalanya berjalan dengan lancar. i got to believe in me, believe in what i have, believe that i can do it. for now, i just need my strength. till then..babaiiiii
Posted by yatie at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
i'm back
Assalamualaikum ye all. wah..lama tidak tulis di blog ni.. rindu oh! cheh, just got back from KL after a week training at Reject Shop Pertama complex. stay at Corus Hotel in front of KLCC...i repeat in front of KLCC was a unforgettable experience to be there. miss my babies and hubby a looooooot. i never been in this situation before. 1 week is like a year to me. it was really a good training for the two of us. me wif my OE, Ms Winnie. we can get along easily since i don't have any problem in communicate wif people i would say. It was the moment of truth..u see it happening and u can feel it. what i meant was the situation of running a big store..when we are free, we sightseeing for our shopping spree....he he he..even the HD are following us hunting for shirt..the last day was sad. we arrived KK at about 7pm. wah, babai Kuala Lumpur......i will upload some pic 4 u guys..but not now..choww
Posted by yatie at 9:28 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
its Monday again
Assalamualaikum ye all. we meet again after a while quiet for some time. i was busy wif my new job and also my side buz. still can handle but i dun know until when. Starting working wif other company make my weekend really a treasure. its like hunting for food. since that im involve before opening, my work become harden coz we have to remove cartons by cartons of stocks arrived from Kuala Lumpur.....hadoiiiii, heavy lagi tue! what to do, i just received order. anyway, meeting new friends and also experience different type of situation making my life colorful. if its something good for me, ill take it. but if its not, ill just ignore. tommorow will be the same until opening. rec. stock and then counting and then packing and repacking and then remove it....arghhhhhhh! tension jg la...coz ari2 hundred of boxes.
sorry guys, ill upload more photo of my new friends later, soooooo sleepy right now.
till then bye2hahah...this is my new friends during our training held at Kinabalu Daya Training...
Posted by yatie at 7:37 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Last Day Training
Assalamualaikum ye all...yessss!! today we have completed our training for the 1st stage of before opening. it went well accept for some it was just a boring part. but for me, this is the time that i will learn everything and try to adapt it when the real situation later. its still a learning process, eventhough i have been through a lot. i discover a lot of thing through the training day...and after completed, i feel GOOD..i hope there's something good will b waiting for just need some effort and trust.."i can do it" will do..till then choww
Posted by yatie at 8:11 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 9, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
New life begin
Assalamualaikum my friend. long time no see. kind of bz lately. doing Open House for Raya and also visiting friends and family. at the same time doing business. thanks to my sis and her hubby for helping me out for my Kota Belud customer. Although we arrived late because we change schedule at the very last minute. due to unexpected outcome. but Syukur Al-Hamdulillah, everything going fine and customer were satisfied with our service. that's more i like it..Thank u to all. New life begin on 2nd of Oct that day. i started my career at Metrojaya. Although Suria Sabah is not completed yet but inside Metro is almost 80% completed. we have briefing since morning about what to do. masuk keja feels like contractor. we wear casual and we do heavy duty job like carrying 500 over boxes from the kontena to the 2nd floor. phuuuuuh! betul2 mencabar. our chief, Kak Putri, said that we are in the survivor game because only tough person will last..Sabar jaaak. but for me, i used to it. there's no easy way to success. there must be challenges and also hard work in order to achieve target. from now on,a target must be set in order to suceed. I Can Do Itttt. till we meet again...daaaa.
p/s: hey, i want a share Raya pics with u all...
Posted by yatie at 7:05 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Another 3 more days....
Assalamualaikum ye all...yes, another 3 more days we, the Muslims will celebrate Raya. Sedih juga coz Ramadhan is almost over..but this year, i manage to Puasa full if only 3 more days nothing happen, Insya-Allah...Persiapan is almost over just waiting for family gathering. then baru ada feel. to all friends yang menyambut Hari Raya, wish u all a very Happy Hari Raya...
Posted by yatie at 7:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: Hari Raya
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
a week to go...
Assalamualaikum ye we all know, the feel for Raya is juat around the corner. for me, this year raya is soooo special. until this date, i still have the opportunity to go for Solat, i feel so happy for coming Raya...just now, we finish decorating our color light for light up the spirit for Raya..Cheh! semangat! i also bring my girls for a new hair cut. i will upload pic later. Aqilah look so cute with her short layer cut. same goes to wana but still she want to maintain her long hair. i guess that all for now, see u next line, k...chow chin chow
Posted by yatie at 8:26 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Mary Kay Beauty Consultant Training
This is my Face before i went to 2nd day training...Make-up is a MUST!!
Assalamualaikum...just wanna story you all that i had completed my ESRS Training yesterday held at Mary Kay Training Ctr, Alam Mesra. I had gain a lot of info on how to do sales, meeting new people other than 'pengantin' and also plan my work and life accordingly. It's a exciting experience since i never attain any training in my life as a housewife. nevertheless, i was surrounded by all ages of sales people. At the end of the day of training, we were given ESRS Pin, A cert. and also RM200 voucher to be used within 2 weeks. That will help in my purchase later. Here's a pic of us taken by me..

She's awesome..

Siuknya ada kwn cikgu and Dr!!!

Tengah Meeting during our rest time with our Leader
SSD Mariani Ramli (my Uitm Sabah Junior)
She achieve 1st Mary Kay Pink Car in Sabah..
Hebat kan dia...i want to b d 3rd...

SSD Mariani is coaching us on how to do skin care class

last day...we received certificate of completion, a pin and also cash voucher...
what i really like about this training, their experience of sales is the same as mine..i have been through a lot..and the same like, i just give my best shots for this. i hope i will succeed..i can do it!!!!!
Posted by yatie at 11:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: Training
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Assalamualaikum i wish today is a very fiiiiiine day when eventually something accidentally happen...i repeat...ACCIDENTALLY, my schedule was to arrange stationery ordered by hubby's office. so before buying those thing, i have to go to the bank to get some money. After that, sempat singgah pasar to buy groceries...then i went to Penampang to buy the list of item. omg, i forgot 1 i after bought all item, i turn back to KK and went to Api2. i was quite bz sms everybody about taking order and accidentally sms to hubby's long time no c friend (i did't even perasan that i had tekan the send button, that's why it is called ACCIDENTALLY). At that time i went to the nearest bank to withdraw some money, then go to MELILIA to buy some orders. on my way home, hubby's friend call suddenly (she never call me). i just call off the phone coz i'm driving. she insist and call me back. question about her call, i just pick up n ask her y. she told me that i had sms her bout her relationship wif hubby and that i had warn her not to keep in touch wif him. i was shock to know that. coz, i never send her that sms. i did write but i never meant to send to her because i'm a woman that very profesional. i can tell the difference between friends or lovers. i feel so bad about it specially happen during fasting month. To my surprise, she's said something that i dnt want to hear..i was so shocked. for me, if u want to explain, just explain ur reason but don't relate it to someone. I just hate it...i just reply her by sms and told her that i was accidentally send and its up to her to believe it or not.. for me, i just believe in Allah.. only God knows the truth...i just can't take it...
Posted by yatie at 2:08 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Shopping Raya
Assalamualaikum ye all..we meet again. well 31 august is just around the corner. How i wish to be 'merdeka'...but i thank God that i'm still here wif hubby, my kids, my family and that we can go on with our daily life as, me n hubby decided to go shopping for the kids. this year, we cut down on budget and for us let the kids goes 1st. ours ..nda pa la..coz 4 me, all new thing tu not so important. yang penting is that we are together as a family..seeing each other and feel the syawal. that's it.. got to go.. Aqilah suddenly cry loudly...babaiiii
Posted by yatie at 7:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: festive season
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
i did it!!!
Assalamualaikum. just wanna story u all about what happen yesterday. here it goes, i always do my groceries, bank transaction or shopping before noon coz i felt that is the best time to do it. so in the afternoon i can spent time wif the kids. Hubby ask me this morning to pay something at one bank located near Pasar Philiphines. gosh, i really hate to go there. just hate it. the service, the people,..if i were to rate them i will give them 2 from 10 marks..after filling the slip i was given no by the guard. there's no one at the customer service counter. when my number was called..i went there and gave him the slip. the staff then told me to go to counter 8 to pay. i was stumble..last month they jut attend my slip but this time they told me to go counter 8. still wondering why..i just make a way and queue. waiting almost 10 min..then suddenly the chinese lady (which i really not preffered to refer coz she always at the customer srvice counter) ask me to just use cdm. i refuse coz my hubby want a slip printed for reference. she then urge me to use but i give my reason..then she just left with saying something sounds like..okay, suits u. sooo geram la with her attitude. i don't mind waiting for a good service but the chinese lady really dislike me..hah..hah..hah (maybe my emotion saja kali tu) nevermind..after that went home and thinking what to cook. i remember hubby request for burger king. so, i thought of making one..i ask mom what the ingredients. i make a dough and wait for an hour for the dough to kembang . then i prepare my own chicken burger and salad. at last i did it. my bun were yummy and yes...i did it.
Posted by yatie at 8:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: cooking
Monday, August 24, 2009
its Monday again
yesterday i was busy preparing meal for our berbuka puasa. we have guest, my long time no see cousin..i've not met her quit a while. she want to join for solat tarawih. so, while driving with my mom to accompany her to the clinic, bank and doing our site visit transaction...i'm still thinking what to cook since hubby a little bit choosy for food..not to oily, not to dry and no 1 and only hubby!! suddenly idea just came about sardine puff at bit & bites Wisma Merdeka. me n my mum always lay park for breakfast there to have sardine and chicken puff..other kuih also seems delicious to mum do agree. so, dengan semangat dan aura yg best..i make my own sardine and sausage puff ( which i created my own). heat it at the oven 4 30 min and there goes...but sorry i forgot to take some pic...i also make mee goreng and that should b enough for the 5 of us..hubby said its delicious...and it makes me soooo happy. For now, i really concerned about my family health especially mom, hubby and the kids n same goes to me..k, got to go.babaiii
Posted by yatie at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: puasa
Saturday, August 22, 2009
1st Day Fasting
Assalamualaikum..Ramadhan is back on track. i have been waiting for this year Ramadhan since that only in this month all our prayer will get more merit i would say. this year i have been preparing and organize things on schedule as i will be working in October. things going smoothly as i planned. therefore i can perform Solat Tarawih dengan 'kusyuk and tawaduk'. hopefully it will bring peacefully for us and bring prosperous here after. nothing concern me a lot except this. i really want to perform from beginning till last day (if can). sempat jahit baju kebaya anak2 this morning and at noon, mom and i bakar ikan untuk berbuka at grandma's home at Papar. today we celebrate grandma's besday, berbuka and also solat tarawih bersama. Syukuur Al-Hamdulillah
Posted by yatie at 8:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: festive season
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
a new me...i guess
Assalamualaikum ye all...nothing interesting happen to me today. it's just that i have found something interest me about organic suppliment. i met Racheal at Karamunsing d other day when we were looking for a fan to buy. she introduce me to organic product which i already seen the result through my aunty's skin. her skin look so fair and supple..i really dream of a skin like her because during my teenage, i have skin problem which result to some scars at my face. so, i decided to try this product n hopefully it will suits me. what really interest me to this product, it doesn't just cure from outside but also inside. i really must try this and wants to c the new me...hope everything will go as schedule..the good news, i have received my offer letter. i'll be commencing on 1 oct..can't wait for the challenges that i will be facing..till then bye2
Posted by yatie at 6:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: health product
Friday, August 14, 2009
its been a while i didn't update my blog..i was so busy with my routine and my kids. b4 this, i have done my medical check up. still waiting for my offer letter and preparing myself to enter the workaholic world. when i got the call for the job, i know that hubby is the one who will b happy to hear this. As for me..i'm happy though its not the job that i expect to get but i Thank God that i got it. i know its not easy to get a job these days. i hope that i will learn something new through this job..will let u all know bout the job later coz i still don't have the offer letter. k, till then babaiii
Posted by yatie at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: job
Thursday, July 30, 2009
its Friday again
Posted by yatie at 7:11 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 12, 2009
My Routine Weekend
Assalamualaikum ya all
sorry, lama nda updating kind of buzy daily routine was filled with routine job..even my weekend..what to must go on..i will update later..still bz memanjang and i dun know bila akan habis..phuh! bunyi macam projek berjuta2 ringgit...mudah2an segalanya menjadi seperti yang dirancang..Amiin
my weekend punya routine memang stick to schedule if u guys dont believe...cheh!!!!let me list it down:
get ready anak2 and then sent to rumah mentua
play golf wif hubby and wana at driving range
have breakfast together
Refresh ourselves at Hubby bapa's home
then ff we go to 1b
get movie ticket
after watch movies, have our lunch at the nearest restaurant
If hubby got soccer then he will go play even if its raining
(nothing on earth that can stop him from playin'...itu yg shushah banget)
me and my kids will stay at home waiting for him to finish
then get ready the kids
as usual balik after Maghrib
tup..tup..bangun pagi, its Monday again...ha..ha..ha
cepatnya masa berlalu
catch wif u later..babaiiiii
Posted by yatie at 8:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: weekend
Monday, March 23, 2009
welcome HOME...
last week i went to Tenom with my family for a vacation cum work..heh..heh..heh..combine was our 1st visit and it was fun though scary. i managed to book a sort of homestay i would say there. the 1st day was a tiring day because we agree to fininsh our job early so that trow we can do other things. we took off about 9am and arrive Tenom about 2.30pm. it was raining but we never thought that it would cause flood. and that was my 1st experience to be in the scene. Tenom BANJIR...and from what the villagers told us that this is the worst flood experience they have ever experience in 30 years, it does scared us a bit and we change our plan to go home a day earlier snce that i have finished my job. argh, when we arrived HOME, everyone is juz like...argh, its good to be home!! like x pernah balik rumah for a years....kik..kik..kik..what a vacation!!! i did took some pic but i will upload soon...still bz..
Posted by yatie at 2:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: vacation
Monday, March 2, 2009
wedding day
its me again. thiz weekend i'm bz doing my usual, as a wed planner, i need to organize myself and the brides so that everything will be as schedule. this weekend, im doing for my sepupu punya wedding..i have some pic taken before and after. its been a while that i did't do makeup since i have assistance for that..i want to concentrate more on fashion n designing. Since that's my favourite part..k, till then..wa cha!!!
Posted by yatie at 5:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: wedding
Monday, February 23, 2009
weekend is back
Posted by yatie at 11:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: weekend
Monday, February 16, 2009
my lovely weekend...
Posted by yatie at 6:47 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Happy Birthday Nur Qistina Aqilah...
Posted by yatie at 7:14 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
golf lesson
that weekend i spent my time wif my hubby and our daughter wana at the driving range. it was my 2nd attempt for golf. i thought playing golf was juz hitting the ball and c where it went. coz before thiz i follow my hubby and watch him played. but when it was me who holding the thing and try to hit the ball...then i realized that its not that easy. one thing about golf that i learn, u have to stay focus...if u'r not focus then u will not hit the ball. so simple..but, after get hit one ball then u will try to hit another...and so on. i'm totally enjoyed that weekend and hope for the same next week...till we c u again...chow!!!
before that, here are some pic that i took while we were playing...have fun!!
Posted by yatie at 9:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: sport activity
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
what a day..
we spend our chinese new year holidays this year at Sandakan. i follow my hubby's family to go for one night stay there at new town called Bandar Indah. the last day i went to Sandakan was in 1995 i think, that is because my mother was transfer to bbmb sdkan. the trip took us almost a day..we depart from kk at about 7.30am and arrived at about 3pm..because we have a 3x pitstop..then we check in at a hotel and have a rest for a few hours. then we go searching for our dinner at this one famous ikan bakar gerai at pasar sim-sim if i'm not mistaken. the ikan bakar taste was really fresh and was my hubby who suggest to eat there since he was there last time..unlike here, the ikan bakar was served with various type of dish with rice of course and not forgetting the 'sambal belacan with timun'..yummy!!!
the next day we went to pasar besar to buy telur penyu to bring home, nowadays the telur also cost us RM1.50 per expensive was raining heavily along telupid and also brother in law drive too fast and making us wanna throw out and feel dizzy all the way. even wana also pening lalat and muntah2..kesian dia!
but it was fun..maybe we well do to TAWAu trip next time..Insya-Allah.
Posted by yatie at 5:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: vacation
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
2nd week school
the 1st week of school was great. my daughter enjoy really enjoy and can not wait to learn new things in school. she don't really care of how many friends she will get but she really wants to learn. and that's really make me happy...
Posted by yatie at 1:33 AM 0 comments